Usually parents thinks the teething as a process with few days of swelling, discomfort and irritability before babys tooth erupt but actually the tooth development occurs way before birth.
Primary or baby teeth forms below the gum line before the pregnancy and they are covered by hard enamel during the third to fourth month. For your childs dental teeth it is advised for the mothers to have a balanced diet by including calcium rich foods such as yogurts and dark leafy greens. And once your baby sprouts these little teeth, the parents need to take good care of them.
Teething can usually begins as early as 4 months of age, but most babies dont get their teeth until 6 months. Even though it is rare there are chances that baby should be born with a tooth. Usually a bottom front tooth. This tooth may also be an extra tooth in the set that has grown over the baby tooth and it will fall out when the baby tooth erupts. Sometimes these baby teeth or extra teeth needed to be removed to avoid the risk of situations like choking if they are loose and get in the way of breastfeeding scenarios.
The worst part of the teething is that the pain of the new tooth and for you to seeing and hearing it. But things will get easier after the formation of the new teeth. Teething is painful for the baby for first four teeth as it is a new experience for the baby. Applying jelly or cream on his/her lips can protect the skin.
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